History of Relation  14240628

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  2022-06-11T08:00:57Z 2022-06-13T19:16:14Z 2022-06-13T19:19:26Z 2022-10-26T06:13:32Z 2024-01-31T12:29:59Z 2024-10-07T17:05:23Z 2024-10-07T17:58:36Z 2024-10-08T04:29:00Z 2024-10-12T20:41:28Z 2024-10-13T04:55:50Z 2024-12-11T12:07:45Z 2024-12-23T17:05:35Z
Primitive Info
User mga_geo mga_geo mga_geo mga_geo mga_geo mga_geo mga_geo mga_geo mga_geo mga_geo mga_geo mga_geo
Visible True True True True True True True True True True True True
Changeset 122238629 122339680 122339822 128065779 146902319 157591600 157593402 157606764 157812467 157819522 160166010 160546675
colour #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #009D57 #009D57 #009D57 #000000 #000000 #000000 #000000 #000000
description Tourc’h - Rosporden Tourc’h - Rosporden Tourc’h - Rosporden Tourc’h - Rosporden Tourc’h - Rosporden Tourc’h - Rosporden Tourc’h - Rosporden Ligne 12A : Tourch ( Ligne 12A : Tourch ( Ligne 12A : Tourch ( Ligne 12A : Tourch ( Ligne 12A : Tourch (
from Menez Groas Menez Groas Menez Groas Menez Groas Menez Groas Menez Groas Menez Groas Tourch (Kerroz) Tourch (Kerroz) Tourch (Kerroz) Tourch (Kerroz) Tourch (Kerroz)
name Bus Coralie 12-A : T Bus Coralie 12-A : T Bus Coralie 12-A : T Bus Coralie 12-A : T Bus Coralie 12-A : T Bus Coralie 12-A : T Bus Coralie 12-A : T Bus Coralie 12A : Ke Bus Coralie 12A : Ke Bus Coralie 12A : Ke Bus Coralie 12A : Ke Bus Coralie 12A : Ke
network Coralie Coralie Coralie Coralie Coralie Coralie Coralie Coralie Coralie Coralie Coralie Coralie
operator Idéa-Bus Idéa-Bus Idéa-Bus Idéa-Bus Idéa-Bus Idéa-Bus Idéa-Bus Idéa-Bus Idéa-Bus Idéa-Bus Idéa-Bus Idéa-Bus
public_transport:version 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
ref 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12A
ref:network 12-A 12-A 12-A 12-A 12-A 12-A 12-A 12A-A 12A-A 12A-A 12A-A 12A-A
route bus bus bus bus bus bus bus bus bus bus bus bus
text_colour #017130 #017130 #017130 #017130 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
to Gare SNCF Rosporden Gare SNCF Rosporden Gare SNCF Rosporden Gare SNCF Rosporden Gare SNCF Rosporden Gare SNCF Rosporden Gare SNCF Rosporden Rosporden (College S Rosporden (College S Rosporden (College S Rosporden (College S Rosporden (College S
type route route route route route route route route route route route route
gtfs:shape_id CORALIE:2139$SP16590 CORALIE:2139$SP16590 CORALIE:4958$SP16590 CORALIE:4958$SP17249 4958$SP1724927004972 5338$SP1724927004972 5338$SP1724927004972 5338$SP1724927004972
gtfs:from Kerroz (Tourch) Kerroz (Tourch) Kerroz (Tourch) Kerroz (Tourch) Kerroz (Tourch) Kerroz (Tourch)
gtfs:route_id CORALIE:CORNav70 CORALIE:CORNav70 CORNav70 CORNav70 CORNav70 CORNav70
gtfs:route_long_name Tourc’h Kerroz - Ros Tourc'h Kerroz - Ros Tourc'h Kerroz - Ros Tourc'h Kerroz - Ros Tourc'h Kerroz - Ros Tourc'h Kerroz - Ros
gtfs:route_short_name 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A
gtfs:to College St Michel (R College St Michel (R College St Michel (R College St Michel (R College St Michel (R College St Michel (R
gtfs:trip_id:sample CORALIE:TP1048243-d- CORALIE:TP1048243-d- TP1048243-d-38088:38 TP1048243-d-38088:38 TP1048243 TP1048243
9799571384 - platform                        
9799533112 - platform                        
9799571433 - platform                        
9799571383 - platform                        
9799533111 - platform                        
9799571382 - platform                        
9799571413 - platform                        
5634044344 - platform                        
96895941 -                        
96895931 -                        
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396453463 -                        
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