History of Relation  17413564

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  2024-04-01T13:16:33Z 2024-04-01T13:28:21Z 2024-11-05T21:49:57Z 2024-11-20T20:44:06Z 2024-11-20T20:46:15Z 2024-11-20T20:50:10Z 2024-11-20T20:52:29Z 2024-11-21T18:31:26Z
Primitive Info
User atchisson atchisson Cyrille37Bot Cyrille37 Cyrille37 Cyrille37 Cyrille37 Cyrille37
Visible True True True True True True True True
Changeset 149434566 149435086 158796372 159384227 159384310 159384433 159384501 159429021
colour yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow
distance 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
name Boucle 1 Boucle 2 Boucle 2 Boucle 2 Ligueil Boucle 2 Ligueil Boucle 2 Balade entre l'Esves Balade entre l'Esves
network lwn lwn lwn lwn lwn lwn lwn lwn
network:type lwn lwn
osmc:symbol yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_
route hiking hiking hiking hiking hiking hiking hiking hiking
type route route route route route route route route
website https://web.archive. https://web.archive. https://web.archive. https://web.archive. https://web.archive. https://cdt37.media. https://cdt37.media. https://cdt37.media.
roundtrip yes yes yes yes
116795311 -                
116795309 -                
1268144125 -                
116648348 -                
135859552 -                
1268144127 -                
115885850 -                
1268144115 -                
115885849 -                
380588853 -                
164840739 -                
817054262 -                
1268144117 -                
1268144116 -                
779997639 -                
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1268144121 -                
116795307 -                
1336277711 -                
1336569208 -