History of Relation  8554706

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  2018-08-22T17:25:04Z 2019-05-17T14:20:28Z 2019-06-18T13:45:21Z 2019-08-04T09:21:35Z 2021-03-02T17:31:42Z 2022-09-01T14:20:56Z 2022-12-20T17:50:43Z 2023-01-03T10:10:11Z 2023-09-20T19:55:42Z 2024-12-14T14:00:05Z
Primitive Info
User Gwellan Bonbadil kroutchev FRichard44 kroutchev superrache FRichard44 kräckel atchisson Lambig
Visible True True True True True True True True True True
Changeset 61896501 70359759 71366913 72985426 100296203 125658782 130300636 130819455 141529837 160280542
description Entre Vignes et patr Entre Vignes et patr Entre Vignes et patr Entre Vignes et patr Entre Vignes et patr Entre Vignes et patr Entre Vignes et patr Entre Vignes et patr Entre Vignes et patr Entre Vignes et patr
distance 15 km 15 km 15 km 15 km 15 km 15 km 15 km 15 15 15
name La Haute Chapelle La Haute Chapelle La Haute Chapelle La Haute Chapelle La Haute Chapelle La Haute Chapelle La Haute Chapelle La Haute Chapelle La Haute Chapelle La Haute Chapelle
network lwn lwn lwn lwn lwn lwn lwn lwn lwn lwn
osmc:symbol yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_ yellow:white:yellow_
route hiking hiking hiking hiking hiking hiking hiking hiking hiking hiking
symbol yellow bar yellow bar yellow bar yellow bar yellow bar yellow bar yellow bar yellow bar yellow bar yellow bar
symbol:fr barre jaune barre jaune barre jaune barre jaune barre jaune barre jaune barre jaune barre jaune barre jaune barre jaune
type route route route route route route route route route route
website https://www.levignob https://www.levignob https://www.levignob https://www.levignob https://www.levignob https://www.levignob https://www.levignob https://www.levignob https://www.levignob https://www.levignob
bicycle yes yes yes yes yes
ref 6 6 6 6 6
sac_scale hiking hiking hiking hiking hiking
roundtrip yes yes yes
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